POLO in Buenos Aires does not just promotes polo in Argentina, we also tame and train our own horses.

We have learned that horses are the most important piece in what we do.  We couldn’t do anything of what we do without them.

This is the reason why we teach everything related to taming, polo ponies breeding and to play polo with them.

If we take good care of our athletes much better will be the performance in polo.

Horses are extremely sensible and intelligent animals and is our responsibility to learn how to handle and train them in the best way to reach a good performance as well as their cooperation when playing a polo game.

POLO in Buenos Aires shows you how to communicate with horses and how to make them understand what we expect from them.

There is a world related to horses of which not much is known. POLO in Buenos Aires feels a great passion for horses and this is why we are committed to a constant training and investigation about these animals and this is why our services are much more authentic.  We are able to transmit our knowledge in the best way to potential polo players and clients and we teach taking good care of the clients, the animals and the sport.

Come and learn how to take good care of argentine polo ponies with POLO in Buenos Aires

You will be surprised!

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